SlimChances wrote: 
> I have just installed Ubuntu 14.04 and I saved my preference folder
> prior to the clean install. Everything is working(almost) but there is a
> list of a dozen or so plugins that I had on the old install that won't
> update. I replaced the prefs folder in /var/lib/squeezeboxserver with
> the one from the old install. I am fairly sure this is a permission
> issue as the other folders in /var/lib/squeezeboxserver have
> LogitechMediaServer as the owner with create and delete permission but
> the replaced prefs folder is owned by root. Could some kind soul help me
> correct the recursive ownership/permissions of this folder?
> Thanks

Hmmm. Interesting. I've just gone through the same thing as you,
upgrading from 32bit 12.04.4 and (I think) LMS 7.7.3 to 64bit 14.04 and
LMS 7.8.0.  I copied my old /var/lib/squeezeboxserver to my new system,
and then installed LMS, which I think updated all the permissions as
part of the install (my squeezeboxserver user changed UID across
installs). I've now got squeezeboxserver:nogroup for everything under
/var/lib/squeezeboxserver. /var/lib/squeezeboxserver itself is owned by
root:root. Plugin updates seemed to work (I think I updated the BBC
iPlayer after installing) though I have other issues with LMS 7.8.0 that
I still need to resolve :-(


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