schreijr wrote: 
> With your help and a bit more trouble shooting I may have found the
> issue.  When looking at the top command I would see what you described
> and it would go away right after I switched to the I2S-audio Digi
> (HifiBerry I2S Digi) option.  Well as it turns out...I don't have that
> option.  I have the I2S-audio DAC (HifiBerry or Sabre9023) option.  The
> confusing part was selecting either made the same visible change to the
> OUTPUT SETTINGS hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry and because of this I didn't
> think too much about it. 

Hi schreijr,

When you select the "Choose audio output" option it sets a few default
parameters such as the OUTPUT SETTINGS plus, in the background, after
stopping Squeezelite, it unloads about 5 modules and then loads the
appropriate modules for your selection. The settings are saved to the
configuration file so piCorePlayer knows which modules to load when
restarting. I have found the process to be reliable but I guess there
may be a combination of option selecting, backing up the configuration
file and rebooting that caused your issue.


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