msg wrote: 
> Do you not use Pandora, Tunein, or Spotify at all?
> Which services do you use with your devices?
> I have wondered - what will happen to the Squeezebox devices when
> Logitech completely drops Squeezebox?
> Will the Squeezebox still work with the services installed if running
> through a local LMS, or does LMS still need to talk to
> Does anyone know whether LMS is now fully supported on piCorePlayer
> 2.06?
> I saw the notification of operational limits on 2.04.
> I haven't had a chance yet to play with it further to explore.

I'm using a Pi model B running picoreplayer 2.05. I use BBC iPlayer (the
DASH plugin), Spotify, and local files, which are held on my NAS and
accessed via ethernet. Seems pretty good to me and provides all the
functionality I need. I don't use other streaming services regularly - I
could use Bandcamp and Soundcloud if necessary. I'm playing music to a
variety of devices, including Logitech players, Raspberry Pi players and
software players.

As to what happens when Logitech drop, I think there
have been a number of threads elsewhere about that.  I'd probably drop
Spotify and use Volumio on a Pi for that.


Touch > DacMagic 100 > Naim Audio Nait 3 > Mission 752 (plus Rega Planar
3 and Naim CD3)
2 x Squeezebox Radios, 1 X Squeezebox 3
SqueezePad, iPeng, Squeezeplay, piCorePlayer(PiB)>DACMagic 100,
PiCorePlayer(Pi2)>IQAudIO DAC+>Sennheisers,
(piCorePlayer(PiB)>HiFiBerryDAC in reserve) 
QNAP TS-239, LMS 7.9
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