RichieB wrote: 
> The port you pointed to is from October 2016 which is not bad, but I
> like to be able to choose what LMS version I run. With the script I
> posted creating a working LMS version for FreeNAS is very easy (just
> takes a little compilation time).
> The problem with iohyve (and other open source VM techniques) is disk
> performance. Instead of using the native FreeBSD mount_nullfs way of
> providing local storage you need to mount filesystems over NFS to get
> any decent performance. I find that an ugly way and I doubt FreeNAS will
> support this in their GUI. See also:

At least the port has had further commits as recently as feb 2017, but
point taken about your script. I mentioned it as others might find the
port useful. Well I did say if your happy to get data access via a
network share to your VM. In FreeNAS 9.10.2 iohyve appears to be a stop
gap as they move to version 10 and there's no GUI support, my brief use
of jails in FreeNAS 9 seemed to be very clunky and based on old version
software.  Did I read u9fs will be used in FreeNAS 10?  

I took the easy route and performance would be good enough on my low end
home network if I wanted to run LMS on a FreeNAS box by using a VM.   My
home needs are very simple, a centralised file server for back-ups and
data which runs LMS.  Using zfs is attractive, but not strictly
essential for me, as I only currently don't have a large amount data.  I
have zfs running on debian 8 right now for my data array and kept the
system drive on ext4.  

I'm not convinced I'd use FreeNAS, actually I would prefer to become
proficient enough in FreeBSD to set-up a simple zfs based file server
administered from the CLI.  I will use your script when I get a chance.

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