tbali wrote: 
> Hi!
> 1. Currently yes. I designed Slimmer to support arbitrary screen sizes,
> so it would be easy to handle those displays too. But unfortunately I
> don't have time now to implement and test this.
> 2. Without some C++ coding it is not possible yet.
> 3. This requires also coding, the screen layout is fixed. What would you
> change?
> Regards
> Balázs

1. and 2. - You code it, I test it. ;-)

3. Currently I use a 4 lines display on my test Raspi. In play mode show
the display.
First Line: Time
Second Line: Title
Third Line: Artist
Fourth Line: Album

In my RetroPi was not so much place to install a 4 Line LCD, so I will
insert a 2 Line
VfD Display. So it would be great, for example the display show:
First Line: Time
Second Line: Title / Artist / Album (with scrolling)

Regards Markus

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