Some time ago Arie posted the Word Clock screensaver and details of how
to replace the gray words with coloured ones - 

The "word" files are .png with a transparent surround, and the coloured
clock is more interesting than the battleship gray of the original.

For my own use I modified Arie's instructions such that for a new
piCorePlayer build it is a simple matter of using WinSCP to copy the
attached directory "userpath" to /home/tc/.jivelite, overwriting the
existing "userpath" directory, and then backing up changes.

When there is a new beta to test such as the current piCorePlayer 3.20
Beta it takes me longer to remember how to colour the WordClock in than
it does to actually do it.
Could the coloured words be included in the JiveLite package? Doing so
may also brighten the day of the newer users if they try the WordClock

|Filename: userpath.zip                                             |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22479|

A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.

Seen sprayed on the outside wall of the local library -
Three things I hate in life :
1. Vandalism
2. Irony
3. Lists
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