It is my very first time here in this forum and I am quite new in
playing with piCorePlayer.

I am running a Raspberry + MPD since years; the flac files are stored on
a NAS and the audio system is
connected to the raspberry by a USB-DAC M2Tech.
With some tweaks and a recent upgrade to pi3, I am playing even high
resolution FLAC (up to 384 kHz and 24 bit) without any audible pops. All
is perfect even pulling data from the NAS using the built in WiFi.

I was looking for an improvement: avoid using the smartphone with app
such as MPDroid to control the device.
So I switched to Volumio, since it is based on MPD but can offer a built
in support for the official rpi3 LCD and touch.
Volumio was almost as perfect as my previuos pure-MPD setup, but
whenever I use the LCD\touch... my God... 
it is a terrible experience. The CPU usage of the rpi3 gets higher due
to Crmoium web browser used by Volumio to control the GUI. A lot of pops
and glitches on high resolution FLAC.

Then I started to look aroud for something different and I found
piCorePlayer and... I am here.

pCP is very interesting, very "light" and... once activated the touch
It is GREAT!

Unfortunately, after playing for some weeks, I am not able to find the
"perfect" setup... I mean I am not able to get the same performances
running the pure-MPD setup, maybe because of me or because of the pCP
architecture, so I am going to asks some question.

1) since I am going to use the built in WiFi and an USB-DAC, should I
use the standard pCP or the Audio Optimezed version?
2) Why I am getting better performances (less pops and cracks) using the
3.11 release versus the latest 3.20 ?
3) Why I am getting more pops and crackes with the touch LCD interface
than without?
3) Why no audio at all playing files with resolution higher than 192
even if the DAC supports is (and with MPD I am able to play) ? The file
of course il played by MPD
5) Is there the (maybe undocumented) possibility to play from memory? I
mean to buffer the 100% of the file before playing it (for example
JRiver offers this feature)

Of course, the above problems occur even with the wired Ethernet and not
only with WiFi

Thanks for your help.

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