*EXPERIMENTAL* Yes, I'm trying to emphasize this.

When I noticed the bluez-alsa project was re-implementing the support
for alsa that was dropped from Bluez 5.x.  I figured I would see how
squeezelite and bluetooth would work.  It worked better than I expected.

- piCorePlayer 3.22
- rpi3 or rpi0W
- A little linux skillz to install manual portions of support, and to
  do some debugging if needed
- Hardwired Ethernet connection to your player.  Rpi onboard wifi for
  sure wont work.  Some USB wifi devices will work, but no promises
  (EDIMaX 7811Un is one the won't work)

Do the following steps
- Download Extension pcp-bt from the extension browser.  Using the
  piCorePlayer Sourceforge repo.
- Disable onboard wifi from the web interface  (Do not reboot yet)
- Manually edit config.txt comment out  dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt


- edit /opt/bootlocal.sh  Add   /usr/local/bin/pcp-bt-start-controller
  2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/pcp_bt.log   before the pCPstart
- Backup - pcp bu
- Reboot - pcp rb
- When the system reboots, open a ssh session and run    pcp-bt-pair
- Setup Squeezelite per the attached image.  (The Power Script is
- Restart Squeezelite......
- Check the mixer setting

  tc@picoreplayer:~$ . ~/.pcp-bt-device
  tc@picoreplayer:~$ sudo amixer -D bluealsa sset "$BTMIXER" 100%

A couple of tips.  
- When rebooting your player, power cycle your BT speaker.
- If you turn off the power on the player, you can shut off your
  speaker.  But be sure to turn your speaker back on and give it time to
  start before turning the power back on the player.


|Filename: Screenshot from 2017-09-23 15-59-04.png                  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23718|

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