paul- wrote: 
> Because squeezelite only supports DoP.
> -D [delay]                Output device supports DSD over PCM (DoP),
> delay = optional delay switching between PCM and DoP in ms
> There are full DSD patches out there, but you would have to build your
> own squeezelite.

Yes I see this, but...
my DAC natively supports PCM 352 and DSD 11 Mhz.

using JRiver and disabling all the internals audio engines:
- if I play a PCM, the DAC displays ORIGINAL (it means no internal
processing) and PCM. It means the original source PCM is played with no
manipulation by the DAC
- if I play a DSD, the DAC displays OROGINAL and DSD
- if I set JRiver to bitstream to DoP, the DAC disaplays DoP and DSD,
meaning it receives a DoP signal that is then extracted to DSD

Playing the very same DSD file with pCP, the DAC displays ORIGINAL and
PCM !!! it means the DAC is not receiving a DoP signal, but a real PCM.
Seems that somewhere pCP takes the DSD and convert it into PCM, not DSD
over PCM, but real PCM.

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