audiomuze wrote: 
> Here's one for anyone struggling with Linux file permissions.  It is run
> from a terminal window in the main folder housing your music collection.
> Basically it does two things: 1) ensures all folders and files are
> owned by your user account; 2) makes all directories and files r/w to
> your account and read only to all others
> > 
  >   > sudo chown -R <yourusername>:<yourusername> * && find . -type d 
-execdir sudo chmod 775 {} \; && sudo find . -name "*" -type f -exec chmod 644 
{} \;
> > 

apologies for necrobumping this thread :p

for me this did not work. read only to all others wasn't enough to have
the LMS scan my library, I had to set the execute bit to others also.

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