I've started again from a fresh copy of the raw Bionic image, but I
still get the same error.

Here are the steps I've taken to get to that point, after logging in as
root over SSH:

    apt-get update
  apt-get install build-essential
  apt-get install automake libtool 
  apt-get install git-core
  apt-get install libluajit-5.1-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev 
libsdl-gfx1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libexpat1-dev
  git clone git://github.com/kergoth/tslib.git
  cd tslib
  sudo make install
  sudo cp -P /usr/local/lib/libts* /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
  wget https://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL-1.2.15.tar.gz
  tar -xvzf SDL-1.2.15.tar.gz
  cd SDL-1.2.15/
  mkdir build
  cd build
  ../configure --enable-input-tslib=yes
  mkdir luajit
  cd luajit
  git clone http://luajit.org/git/luajit-2.0.git
  cd luajit-2.0
  sudo make install
  sudo ldconfig
  git clone https://github.com/ralph-irving/jivelite.git
  cd jivelite
  sudo make PREFIX=/usr/local
  #Edit /usr/local/etc/ts.conf to contain only
  module_raw input
  module linear
  #Use cat '/proc/bus/input/devices' to find event number for TSLIB_TSDEVICE.  
Look for the section 'N: Name="AmSC OpenPeak Touchscreen Hyup05_3"', then get 
the event number from the line starting with 'H:', e.g. 'H: Handlers=mouse0 
event3 js0'
  TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event3 
TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/etc/pointercal TSLIB_CONFFILE=/usr/local/etc/ts.conf 
TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/usr/local/lib/ts ts_calibrate
  #Make a $HOME/.jivelite/userpath/logconf.lua file with the contents as 
supplied by Ralphy above.
  TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event3 
TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/etc/pointercal TSLIB_CONFFILE=/usr/local/etc/ts.conf 
TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/usr/local/lib/ts /root/jivelite/bin/jivelite

After doing all that, I still get the JiveLite splash screen for a
moment, and the last two lines of the logfile are:

    20190127 22:04:46.397 ERROR  jivelite.ui.draw - 
jive_surface_set_video_mode:855 SDL_SetVideoMode(640,480,0): Couldn't set 
console screen info
  20190127 22:04:46.397 ERROR  jivelite.ui.draw - jiveL_set_video_mode:902 
Video mode not supported: 640x480

The joggler screen is 800x480, so which part of this setup is
responsible for asking for 640x480?

chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=110040

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