davemal, I share your concern about Vortexbox. It is such a convenient
no-frills distro for LMS that I'm sticking with it but keeping an eye
out for other platforms.
I have updated to Fedora 27
and all the LMS plugins just work - MusicIP, InguzEQ, Music Artist Info
etc. Plex new versions also just work on Fedora 27. 

I use Clonezilla to load new hardware builds as the old Vortexbox USB
install doesn't recognize the new hardware.

Please report your experience with Snakeoil-Os. From their web site it
appears to be a cut down Ubuntu distro but no mention of LMS or MusicIP
that I could see.

A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.

Seen sprayed on the outside wall of the local library -
Three things I hate in life :
1. Vandalism
2. Irony
3. Lists
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