I have pi Zero W that I use to display Jivelite on my TV over HDMI. 
Yesterday I put pCP5 on the RPi and added an IR receiver via GPIO, and
now I can control Jivelite with my 4-in-1 remote control - great stuff.

But the other thing that this pi Zero does is look after all my
backup/sync/compression tasks overnight.  This morning I noticed that
none of the rsync jobs ran - rsync isn't in the basic pCP image, and I'd
forgotten to add the rsync extension.  But I can't now find rsync in the
list of extensions, either in the official piCore repository or the
piCorePlayer repository.  I checked under pCP4, and it's available in
the official piCore repository.  In fact the list of extensions is much
longer under pCP4 than it is under pCP5.  Is that because the packages
need to be updated for the new kernel, and is just a matter of waiting? 
Is there any way to get hold of rsync for pCP5 in the meantime?  Is it
worth trying the pCP4 rsync.tcz under pCP5?

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