paul- wrote: 
> I'm just going to say it before someone else does......
> RPI dropped a new board on us today.  
>   And the
> pCP team does not get advanced notice of these types of things, so we
> learn as you do.   Greg and I both have the board on order, and will
> work to get a pCP version released as soon as we can.
> Paul

I realise that this is of no relevant significance, but I have just
installed the new Raspbian "Buster" Desktop OS on an old rpi3B.

LMS install gave no problems.

I installed Squeezelite from the repository and then upgraded to the
latest version.

Playing fip radio at the mo, no apparent problems.

Buster seems to respond a bit faster than Stretch (I know.....go figure

All the 4gb memory models in the UK seem to sold out...sigh.

Let's hope that pCP goes swimmingly :)


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