I've dipped in and out of this thread over the months (!), and I wonder
if the LMS setup that I travel with might be another solution. Following
a post from several years ago, I set up LMS on a WiFi enabled Western
Digital 2Tb hard drive. This has two WiFi cards, so it sets its own
network up and can connect to an external network too. It has a battery,
so it will run for a short period off the mains. I keep a copy of my
music collection on this drive.

With this, I can run any player (or a number of players) - a tablet or
phone with appropriate software, or a Squeezebox, or a raspberry Pi
based device (I use piCorePlayer).  At work I use a model 3 Pi winerally
play through a tablet and headphones.


*Home: *Raspberry Pi 3/piCoreplayer/LMS7.9.2  with files on QNAP
Touch > DacMagic 100 > Naim Audio Nait 3 > Mission 752 (plus Rega
Planar 3 > Rega Fono Mini; Naim CD3)
PiCorePlayer(Pi2) with IQAudIO DAC+>Sennheisers 
2 x Squeezebox Radios, 1 X Squeezebox 3 (retired), spare
*Office:* LMS7.9.2 running on WiFi MyPassport drive >
piCorePlayer(PiB)/HiFiBerryDAC > Amptastic Amplifier
SqueezePad, iPeng as controllers 

Grumpy Bob's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=41857
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=106833

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