Well, the Pi Zero arrived on schedule. I'm using the headphone Pirate
Audio card.

I followed your 'most recent instructions'
and got the screen running and responsive to buttons, but this didn't
survive a reboot - nothing vivible on the screen. I think M-H had the
same issue.

I did expand the file system.

I found that /home/tc/sbpd-script.sh wouldn't run on the command line
without sudo.


*Home: *Raspberry Pi 3/piCoreplayer/LMS7.9.2  with files on QNAP
Touch > DacMagic 100 > Naim Audio Nait 3 > Mission 752 (plus Rega
Planar 3 > Rega Fono Mini; Naim CD3)
2 x Squeezebox Radios, 1 X Squeezebox 3 (retired), spare
*Office:* LMS7.9.2 running on WiFi MyPassport drive > Raspberry Pi 3
with touchscreen/piCorePlayer/IQaudIO DAC and Amp
SqueezePad, iPeng as controllers 

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