JaMo wrote: 
> Will do.
> I have ordered another RaspberryPi 4B and will do it in a more
> structured way with that one. Today was loan-pi and alot of trial and
> errors. I will document it down and post.
> /Jan

This is not so easy. I got the Pi4B+ 2GB today. Flashed on pCP 6.0.0-b7.
Chosed an USB 2 port connected to the Mutec MC3+ USB. Nothing. No
communicatioon at all. I put in the output setting: 
iec958:CARD=M20,DEV=0 .

I restarted both units several times. No cmmunication. Then I chosed a
USB 3 port on the Pi4 and voilĂ . It works now.

To sum it up. The output setting ( iec958:CARD=M20,DEV=0 ) is valid. But
it still was a challange to get the communication to start. I have no
patent solution but don't give up. I succeeded eventually, twice.

For what it's worth/Jan

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