I've tested on a PI4 with PCP 6.0.0 beta as well as Pi3B+ with PCP 5.0.0
-- in any case with the Hifiberry DAC+ and continuous playback (LMS
local content), squeezelite eventually stops running. Usually happens
after 12 - 48 hours of continuous playback.

Running PCP with debug logging (command parameter: squeezelite -n
piCorePlayer -o hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry -a 80 4  1  -d all debug -f

    [08:14:15.050636] codec_open:257 codec open: 'a'
  [08:14:15.050654] codec_open:274 closing codec: 'm'
  [08:14:15.050690] faad_open:541 opening mp4 stream
  [08:14:15.050773] stream_sock:486 connecting to
  [08:14:15.051036] stream_sock:563 header: GET 
/stream.mp3?player=b8:27:eb:cb:5f:c6 HTTP/1.0
  [08:14:15.051055] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMc
  [08:14:15.051088] process_strm:377 set fade mode: 0
  [08:14:15.051137] process:521 audg
  [08:14:15.051153] process_audg:433 audg gainL: 200 gainR: 200 adjust: 1
  [08:14:15.051200] set_volume:233 setting internal gain left: 200 right: 200
  [08:14:15.106185] stream_thread:247 headers: len: 115
  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Server: Logitech Media Server (7.9.1 - 1522157629)
  Connection: close
  Content-Type: audio/aac
  [08:14:15.106235] sendRESP:220 RESP
  [08:14:15.151841] read_mp4_header:295 type: ftyp len: 28 consume: 28
  [08:14:15.151895] read_mp4_header:295 type: wide len: 8 consume: 8
  [08:14:15.151913] read_mp4_header:236 type: mdat len: 167888 pos: 44
  [08:14:15.151928] faad_decode:373 samplerate: 44100 channels: 2
  [08:14:15.151942] faad_decode:378 setting track_start

In all cases, it seems to die in exactly the same way, with 'setting
track_start' as the last log entry, without indicating much more. From
recollection, at least 2 of the cases (maybe all of them) have been on
an audio/aac content type.

Restarting squeezelite (via GUI, init.d restart, or command line),
squeezelite comes back up and everything is fine.

What other info might I be able to log/inspect to get more insight as to
what might be happening? Wondering if it's a particular file or set of
files that's causing the issue, but I don't know what file was the last
one to cause it (can I log this on LMS)?

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