ralphy wrote: 
> Try turning mmap off -a 120:::0 and if still no difference try
> increasing 120 to 200, 300 and 400 just to see if you can get clean
> audio with -a.  Beyond 200ms is really much higher than should be
> needed.  Could be a specific decoder issue as well, try several
> different audio formats if possible.

Will continue to test.  I was originally only planning on using this as
an LMS / file server but it would be a nice bonus to have working audio
out too.

I've learned a lot working on this.  One thing that initially almost
made me give up was issues I had with Alpine's apk package manager.  It
took me a while to get to the point where I had a bootable base system
and then the one application that I wanted to work correctly, the
package manager, didn't.

If you are interested, you can read about it here:

Subject is "APK Package Name Issue on armel port".  The developers were
great and commited some patches to fix the problem (fixes included in
the tar ball you got.)  It was down to unaligned memory access, which
after I knew what I was looking for I was able to read up about but I
wouldn't have figured it out without the Alpine dev diagnosing it.

I haven't quite figure out why yet, but, Alpine on the pi zero w
defaults /proc/cpu/alignment to 2 (fixup) and I don't even think
unaligned access is an issue on that architecture (not sure) but on the
armel port I'm working on it was defaulting to 0 (ignore) which
basically caused all the weird stuff with the package manager.  I'm
setting alignment=2 now as a kernel boot param, even though they fixed
it in apk's code, just in case there are other apps that might cause

I tried to convince the guys over at the doozan forum where they were
working on this device (I used the .dts and kernel config there as a
starting point) that it was a potential problem on their Debian loads
but I don't think I was able to get my point across.  Not even 100% sure
I'm right but I think I am.

See starting here and on:

Anyway, just food for thought and if you have any opinions on anything
I'd like to hear them!

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