Peter2 wrote: 
> So I cleaned the 40 pins connector and the 40 pins of the DAC with
> alcohol 

Hi Peter,
I've never experienced that cleaning alcohol is needed on new hardware
and relative clean connectors like a pi uses in house.
But the scraping of the pins when inserting and extracting connectors
does help.
'Popping connectors' a few times is a wel known fix when debugging
computer hardware problems.
Especially when using old stuff.

Another mistake I once made was to  put the hat on wrong , with just 1
row of pins.
Obviously reconnecting it again ( correct ) helped a lot.


Pi based multi-room audio system powered by PiCorePlayer(s):
Pi3B with Phat-dac in a Rasptouch, 2 pi B+ with Cirrus Logic Audio Card,
Pi Zero with Phat-beat ,  and a few other tests...
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