yeomanspc wrote: 
> In my experience over the years, it has ALWAYS been the Power Supply
> Units.  I have bought probably 10 - 15 [ we have over 20 players of
> sorts].  I only ever had one unit fail (a touch screen, replaced under
> warranty).  You will get 5v under no load, but when the PSU fails it
> won't supply the current.  Your symptoms look like a PSU failure because
> as soon as you try to do something, it calls for more juice and fails.
> Try another PSU from a working (other) SB3, or buy one - at least 2A
> rating.  Plenty on Amazon (wherever you are). 10 bucks.
> And if you fix it, please post back with the cure.  Good luck.

Thanks. Despite the old supply providing enough power to light up the
red toslink the rest of it was dead. Swapped PSU and back in business!

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