I re-wired mains and network to the pi and, while I was at it, updated
the LMS to Logitech Media Server Version: 8.0.1 - 1607087403 @ Fri Dec 4
14:26:56 CET 2020. It is still showing the same behaviour. I noticed one
more thing. A few tracks before Tidal streaming breaks and the pCP
interface goes down, the last seconds of tracks are sometimes skipped.
The Controller is still counting down the remaining time when the next
track suddenly starts playing. Somebody else has already noticed this
here:gvh wrote: 
> The issue I'm getting is that every song is being cut off early, the
> next track starts a few seconds before the song is due to end. Crossfade
> is off. Not sure of any other settings to check.
> Nothing in the logs even with Tidal set to debug.As soon as the LMS is 
> restarted, this goes away, too.

scaleo home server 2105 & picoreplayer 6.1.0 | logitech media server
8.0.1 | server power control 20120716.103808 |
transporter & duet & touch & boom & radio | rotel rc-995 & rmb-100 |
nubert nuvero 140
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