pufnstuf wrote: 
> Hi Paul, thank you for the reply. I have found loads of guides online
> for compiling the drivers myself but they all refer to using dkms...
> What should I use in its place on PiCore?
> Cheers!

The process is the same......

1) Download kernel sources
2) Download the kernel configs and Symbols
3) Prepare the kernel
4) Download the driver source and make the driver

The problem with number 4 is that most of these realtek driver repos
have horrible Makefiles.  Most requiring adjustments.   I think this is
why MrEngman over at the RPI forum provides tar files of precompiled
drivers (for almost every rpi kernel published)  I'm still thinking how
to make this better.....(without making a ton of maintenance on my part)

What pcp kernel do you have, and I'll make it for you for now.  (Please
supply the kernel version you are running, found in the footer of the
web interface)

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