ralphy wrote: 
> The -Airplay is append in /usr/local/etc/init.d/shairport-sync and I
> think it overrides the name setting in the config file.
> For changes to persist in the config file across reboots you need to add
> usr/local/etc/shairport-sync.conf to /opt/.filetool.lst and backup your
> config.
As written in the source code of shairport-sync it does overwrite the
config file setting.
Another disatvantage is that the config file is harder to be worked on
with bash variables.
And finally: All changes will be gone after an update... 

So here a question:
Would it make sense to add a "SHAIRPORT_NAME" variable in pcp.cfg that
sets the name to "${NAME}-AIRPLAY". Then this new variable has to be
used in the shairport-sync startup script.
Thus, it would be possible to customize that name (manually without
gui). The changes for a gui could then lateer easily be added.
And the name could stay after updates...

If that is okay to you I would send you my idea in the respective files
and/or via extensions. For the latter I would need a hint about where to
find info on creating proper extensions. And of course: Which ones I
have to touch (pcp_shairport-sync and pcp_base)? Is there an extension
source code repo?

I hope my idea does not sound too bad and you would let me help...

LMS-8.2@raspberrypiOS. 1x Radio, 1x Duet, 1x PiCorePlayer, 1x Tube Radio
with PiCorePlayer.
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