Bogg wrote: 
> Success Again !
> And better tested this time. I've on and off half a dozen times in a
> row, and it's reacted perfectly every time !
> The pcp web and skins are always in sync, sqlite is always killed, and
> always comes back. 
> I've even rebooted pcp with the dac off. sqlite doesn't start, and
> switch on dac, and  sqlite starts !
> It's fantastic :D

Excellent, thank you.  That's how it's supposed to work!

So I reckon the failure of the start-stop-daemon and the non-functioning
of the built-in commands (echo, awk, kill etc) must be related.  It's
odd that things work on some installations and not on others.

If the daemon was called from the USB script itself I could try
prefixing it with its path (/sbin/start-stop-daemon), but it's not -
it's the init.d script that calls it.  I guess I could try that with my
own Pi3A+ setup to see if that fixes it, but that wouldn't be a viable
option for the script, since the init.d script isn't readily editable
for end users.

Anyone know how I can check for these built-in commands from within a
script?  What makes them 'built-in' - is it some default shell
configuration?  Could I manually load that configuration at the start of
the script, so that even if these built-in commands aren't available to
udev they would be to the script?

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