bluetdi wrote: 
> Not the PS was defective nor the cable too thin. The little plug was
> corroded and resistence too high. Some fluid applied and now everything
> is fine. Should have known, the same as last time. But one forgets,
> think I am getting old.

kbeast wrote: 
> Check out:
> I do it all the time on random pi projects other than my picoreplayers. 
> I'm not certain it removes it from picoreplayer display either. (it used
> to i believe). This is more like electrical tape on your check engine
> light.

Thank you, problem has been solved. But your link is helpful and I hope
to remember it next time I run into a similar issue.

3xPi3B-7" | pCP 7.0.1 | LMS 8.1.0 | Transporter | 2xTouch | 2xClassic |
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