I'm liking Jivelite, but having a problem with the Joggler that controls
the Squeezebox in the bedroom.

The issue is turning the screen off at night time.

With Squeezeplay on the Joggler, pressing the power button (top left of
the homew screen) will both turn off the Squeezeplayer and make the
Joggler screen turn off until it's touched again.

With Jivelite, the behavour is different.

To be honest, I don't understand exactly what it's doing or why, but it
doesn't durn the screen off. and no amount of changing the screen saver
settings seems to acomplish what I'm wanting.

Is anyone aware of an easy way of turning the screen off when needed? Or
of automating turning it off at a certain time of day?

If not, I think I need to switch the bedroom Joggler back to


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