Hi Kids.  No doubt that I've been and will be confused - there is a lot
of confusing information out there on these topics, and much of the
information is not laid out in a way that is easy for non-pros to digest
(sort of why the field of tech writers exist).  Look at this particular
issue: it is posted in many places that you can install LMS on pCP, and
that you can install MS over LMS (e.g., "Material Skin is an LMS plugin,
installed from LMS > Settings > Plugins") - so a simple minded, non-tech
person like myself could easily come to the conclusion that MS can be
installed on a pCP since LMS can be installed in pCP.  I know now that
one can't, despite the fact that I saw a post somewhere that said while
it "is tricky" it can be done.  I'll assume for now that it is not
possible.  So, sorry if I confused anyone else out there - please listen
to you, Paul and Greg, and others in these forums that are pros.  FWIW,
is this how to state it properly: MS may be installed in place of the
LMS GUI where the LMS GUI is browser based, such that MS may not be
installed in LMS that is installed in pCP where pCP's GUI is Jivelite
since Jivelite is not a browser?

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