> What I would do is select USB on the squeezelite page, then just select
> the vc4hdmi output.

I was thinking the same thing. HDMI setting seems more like USB in the
later RPi's. Tested OK on my RPi02W, using b1.

There maybe some subtle HDMI setting that is missed, but it may not be
relevant anymore anyway. 

> Autoselecting hdmi audio port names may just have to get removed from
> pCP.

I am only aware that HDMI only has 3 possible card names, b1, b2 or
vc4hdmi, so having 3x HDMI config files seems a reasonable solution. I
was planning on 2, but I had forgotten vc4hdmi.

We probably need an error message on the squeezelite page if the
cardname conflicts with the output setting.

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