diode84 wrote: 
> Hello
> I am running pCP on a Pi3b+ and have changed my internet supplier which
> has a x.x.1.x ip address instead of x.x.0.x address.
> I can't find configuration file on CF card. I need to change it, can
> anyone advise.
> Thanks
> diode84

Assuming you are wanting to set this up with a WiFi connection on the
new router, I think the simplest solution would be to connect the Pi to
your router by ethernet, and use the pCP web GUI to select the new
router's wifi SSID and password. That should sort it. I always allocate
the pCP device a fixed IP address via the router.


*Home: *Raspberry Pi 4/pCP7.0/LMS8.1.2/Material  with files on QNAP
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