uudruid74 wrote: 
> It will give you output about what the current device is.  Turning off
> the DAC should tell you the audio device is no longer available. 
> Restore the DAC and it should detect it and restart squeezelite.  Let me
> know what output it gives you.


I'm asking this here, although I'm not sure what I'm currently
experiencing correlates with this lovely component. I feel this precise
pattern has already happened several times.

This is what happened: 
- 1 week ago I played music in my stereo
- Then, for a complete week I didn't use my stereo 
- After the week had passed, I decieded I would play some music
- pCP is always on (I don't switch my RPI off)
- I switched on my amp (which has an integrated DAC)
- Music did not come through
- I tried playing songs off Tidal and off Spotify. Nothing came
- Fumbled a bit around in LMS. Nothing happened.
- Went to pCP admin interface and restarted pCP manually.
- Music started to play

Since I didn't have my PC with me, and did not SSH into pCP and run the
command above. 

I'm wondering what steps I should do next time this happens, to ensure I
provide the right evidences to troubleshoot the problem.

While drafting this message, I decided to give a go to the command you
provided above and this is the output that I see:

    tc@pCP:~$ sudo ./usbconnectd
  Starting usbconnectd
  Invalid OUTPUT device selected
  Existing output device is no longer available
  cat: can't open '/proc/asound/Headphones/usbid': No such file or directory
  cat: can't open '/proc/asound/Headphones/stream0': No such file or directory
  New output device is  bcm2835_headpho - bcm2835 Headphones
  Stopping squeezelite
  wget: error getting response
  No Audio Device found
  cat: can't open '/proc/asound/Headphones/usbid': No such file or directory
  New output device is  USB-Audio - CA CXA61 2.0
  New USB Output Detected
  Stopping squeezelite
  wget: error getting response
  Starting squeezelite
  Stopping Squeezelite...
  start-stop-daemon: warning: killing process 8597: No such process
  Starting Squeezelite...
  Existing output device is no longer available
  cat: can't open '/proc/asound/Headphones/usbid': No such file or directory
  cat: can't open '/proc/asound/Headphones/stream0': No such file or directory
  New output device is  bcm2835_headpho - bcm2835 Headphones
  Stopping squeezelite
  No Audio Device found
  cat: can't open '/proc/asound/Headphones/usbid': No such file or directory
  New output device is  USB-Audio - CA CXA61 2.0
  New USB Output Detected
  Stopping squeezelite
  Starting squeezelite
  Existing output device is no longer available
  cat: can't open '/proc/asound/Headphones/usbid': No such file or directory
  cat: can't open '/proc/asound/Headphones/stream0': No such file or directory
  New output device is  bcm2835_headpho - bcm2835 Headphones
  Stopping squeezelite
  No Audio Device found
  ^C./usbconnectd: line 258: can't open /tmp/usbconnectd.fifo: Interrupted 
system call

The output above was generated by turning off and on my DAC 2 times.

Again, many many thanks for your help and support!!

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