Artyom Shalkhakov wrote:
I'm not planning that for any time soon. Since the only compiler is
whole-program, a REPL would require significant extra implementation.
Hm, okay. Is it possible to invoke the compiler for syntax analysis
and type-checking then? Something like "urweb --typecheck foo".

You can already get that with the Ur/Web library loaded in SML/NJ, via:
    Compiler.check Compiler.toElaborate "foo";
I'll add a way to do that with the command-line tool, too.

What would you say about "Type theory and
functional programming" by Simon Thompson?

I've never read it, so I don't have anything to say about it.

Speaking of error messages, sometimes they are extraordinarily long.
OTOH, knowing just the error location is enough most of the time.

Well, for now, I'm erring on the side of including enough information. Concrete suggestions of algorithms for improving error message generation are welcome.

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