Monte, Thanks for the update.  I just changed all my code back to using the 
stackFiles property instead of using the code you suggested in the Startup 
event and now everything works!  I have changed this code so many times now 
that I honestly can't remember what is different about it now that when it 
didn;t work.  In any case, I'm happy it is now working and I can move on.

Thanks to all who helped out with this.

Pete Haworth

On Feb 14, 2011, at 7:57 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

>>>> However, it looks like I have some wholesale changes to make to get my 
>>>> stackFiles working correctly with regard to my behavior scripts.  The 
>>>> buttons that hold the behavior scripts are in a substack.  I've included 
>>>> the name of the behaviors substack and it's main stack in the stackfiles, 
>>>> both pointing to the same file path but the behaviors still aren't 
>>>> recognised by the controls that point to them.  I tried putting just the 
>>>> main stack into stackFiles and adding the statement "open stack "xyzsub of 
>>>> stack "xyz"  - the behaviors still aren't recognised.
> Hi Peter
> I just tested using the stackfiles property as the sole reference for 
> behaviors (both those on a substack of a separate stackfile and on a 
> mainstack of a separate stackfile) and it worked perfectly so there must be 
> something else going on. Both stackfiles were in a stackfiles subdirectory 
> where the engine wouldn't normally find them. One important thing about 
> behaviors is the engine has to find them before opening the stack they are 
> used on.
> Cheers
> Monte
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