Of course, using a faster processor would give faster results.
What would be the speed difference if the data block was sent to an irev script and run on a faster processor?

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On Mar 10, 2011, at 12:07 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:

use repeat for each line L ... and collect the modified lines in a separate variable, replace the original variable after the loop

repeat fer each line L in tData
  put ... & CR after temp
end repeat
put temp into tData

should be very quick.

-- Alex.
btw - not needed in this case, but you could use split/combine in it's "single separator" form
split tData by CR
repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in the keys of tData
  put .... into tData[i]
end repeat
combine tData by CR

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