On Apr 1, 2011, at 9:43 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

Yes I did figure it out. I was getting the ID of this card, which always seems to refer to the first card that the group the button belonged to was placed on, hence always getting 1002 for the ID. Getting the name seems to do the same thing. But getting the NUMBER returns the correct result. As I said in another post, I find that odd, but I am probably not seeing the "big picture".

Since groups can be placed and removed on cards at any time, and the card sort order can be changed at anytime, the card id sequence has no real meaning for groups. In fact, a group does not have to even be on any card, thus the id would be missing.

Once created, a group can be deleted from that card and that group will still be part of the stack, available for placement on any card in that stack. A group

Card 5 and card 20 always mean the same thing, no matter if cards are sorted, deleted, added.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On Mar 31, 2011, at 10:39 PM, Timothy Miller wrote:

Bob's experience, quoted below, seems odd. I don't think this is normal LC behavior. Something has gone wrong, it seems. I might have missed a reply to Bob that explains it, but I didn't see one.

Did you ever figure it out, Bob?

on mouseUp
 push card
 set lockscreen to "true"
 set lockmessages to "true"
 put the number of cards into tNum
 repeat with i = 2 to tNum
    if the shiftkey is down then exit repeat
    set cursor to busy
    go to card i
    put the id of this card & return after tCardId
 end repeat
 pop card
 put tCardId
end mouseUp

I tried this in a card button and a background button. It worked fine, either way. No duplicate card IDs.

Reply to Peter:

"Mark cards where..." Oh! That is awesome! I'd forgotten about that command.

Also forgot about "mark cards by finding "x" in field "y"

Also forgot about "unmark cards where..." and "unmark cards by finding..."

These commands combine simplicity with blazing speed. You can do a lot with them. Thanks for reminding me.

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