So, if the error is in the error script, and the error is the single quotes
around "Object" when they should be double quotes, how do I fix that? And,
why would it work on Mac & XP, but not Win 7?  I'm so foncused.

However, maybe I'm doing something wrong in the specification of the place
to save the preferences file. I tried using the CSIDL, which is supposedly
still included in Win 7 for backward compatibility. So, I switched to
"Documents". That again works on XP, but didn't work on Win 7, same error,
and [new clue] no file written to the user's hard drive. Here's the possibly
offending code:

function actionFile pFname
   if the platform contains "Mac" then
      put specialFolderPath("Preferences") into tPath
   else -- windows
      -- put "0x000C" into myDocs
      put "Documents" into myDocs
      put specialFolderPath(myDocs) into tPath
   end if
   put "/4Spires" after tPath
   if there is no folder tPath then create folder tPath
   put "/" &pFname &".txt" after tPath
   return tPath
end actionFile

-- Paul

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 10:06 PM, J. Landman Gay

> On 4/11/11 5:27 PM, Paul Foraker wrote:
>> I've built a little app that is generating a script error on Windows 7,
>> but
>> not on XP or Mac. On Win 7, the app generates this error message:
>> Executing at 2:58:29 PM
>> Type
>> Object  card id 1002
>> Line    put 'Object'&  tab&  the short name of tObject&  cr after
>> tErrorString
>> Hint    preOpenCard
> Ignore what I just said. The error references the script that's creating
> the error dialog. Talk about recursion. The error script can't create itself
> because there's an error in the error script. Not sure why it's triggering
> on preOpenCard, but maybe it's refering to one of LiveCode's front or
> backscripts.
> I'm not sure it helps much to know that.
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
> HyperActive Software           |
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