I still have a dozen OS9 macs running HC, working together all day with "send 
to program" chitChat.  20 years...

>From any HC machine, if I say: "send "beep 3" to program 
>"*:hcServer:hypercard", that machine beeps three times.
If I try this from LC, (OSX 10.4) I get "error -1701", likely some "failed to 
find file" sort of thing. The HC server machine is connected when I do this,
though that is unnecessary in the OS9 world, apple events working just fine 
with only a valid AppleTalk address.

I have seen little in either the forums or here about LC talking to LC on a 
network. Is this uncommon? When I first opened Revolution
years ago, it was the first thing I sought out, to make sure that at least that 
was still supported. Is it OSX to OS9? Is it me?

Are there better ways to create a clent/server or peer to peer network than 
this? I will probably never use LC merely as a front end, I will
always want to roll the whole thing from within.


Craig Newman
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