On 5/7/11 7:46 PM, Pete wrote:
I didn't get the error message but  I'm sure the cause was the same.

I'm thinking maybe this should be reported as a bug.  It's puzzling why LC
should be chasing down global variables it doesn't care about and not being
prepared to deal with slashes I guess is a side effect of that.  Plus
there's lots of variables that have slashes in them.

Those are system globals, and LiveCode allows you to use any of them. You can create your own too, actually. LiveCode does not discriminate, it just displays whatever the OS gives it. The variables will be different from one OS and machine to another. It isn't so much that LiveCode doesn't need those globals; LiveCode presents them in case you or your scripts want to use them.

It may be a bug though that LiveCode doesn't deal correctly with system globals containing slashes. That part could be reported.

You can clear system globals from LiveCode by simply putting empty into them, like any other variable; i.e. "put empty into $#". You shouldn't need to restart the IDE if you do that. But since they are system globals, changing them may affect other apps that use them so go carefully.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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