On Saturday, June 04, 2011 05:48:55 PM Colin Holgate wrote:
> I don't know if it's changed, but when I bought Windows to use under
> Fusion, I had to get Ultimate.

>From page 2 of the EULA for Win 7 Professional, Home Remium and Home Basic:

d. Use with Virtualization Technologies. Instead of using the software directly 
on the licensed
computer, you may install and use the software within only one virtual (or 
otherwise emulated)
hardware system on the licensed computer. 

You can find the EULAs here:


You may run into trouble trying to install an OEM lisence on a second computer, 
even if you've removed it from 
the first machine (or virtual machine). The OEM license may be locked to 
particular hardware as part of its 
activation, due to its purpose. I have had to reactivate after updating 
VirtualBox because changes in the 
hardware emulation cause it to raise a flag. (That could just be FUD, but I'm 
not about to install and attempt 
to activate it on another machine just to see what happens to my first 
license!) I have seen it suggested that 
the best option for people whose installation plans require flexibility, and 
this may apply to you, is to buy 
a retail family pack which will allow you to install 32 and/or 64 bit versions 
as well as move them from 
machine to machine, including virtual machines.  



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