On Jun 7, 2011, at 7:37 AM, Keith Clarke wrote:
Great, thanks to all who responded!
Blindingly obvious once viewed with hindsight - and as Colin rightly suggests, it seems 'there is' still much I need to learn about the subtleties of the LiveCode syntax! ;-)

I went for a matching pair of one-liners, which worked very nicely:
if there is not a folder "this_folder" then create folder "this_folder" if there is not a folder "this_folder/that_subfolder" then create folder "this_folder/that_subfolder"

In case someone has a more complex set of conditions,
here are two ways I create a folder/subfolder structure
on openstack to insure folders exist when needed,
especially in a new drive or computer location.

The first is a single path for all log files
The second is a split path for multiple users

The create folder only works with one folder level at a time, so
-------  Single Path ----------
--start with a known root folder location
-- note that I use 'pathh' as my working variable
local xPathhMsgs, xMsgSource
on initMsgProcessing --7.25.06
  put rootLocalFolder() into pathh
  --define successive path names
  replace "Projects/merge/" with "Projects/logs/" in pathh
  if there is not a folder pathh then create folder pathh
  replace "logs/" with "logs/msgProc/" in pathh
  if there is not a folder pathh then create folder pathh
  replace "msgProc/" with "msgProc/merge/" in pathh

  --keep the old path (like prev day) as archive
  --then do this
 put pathh & the seconds into pathh2 -- make old name
 if there IS a folder pathh then
    rename folder pathh to pathh2 --
  end if

-- now yesterday's folder is unique
-- and restarting in the same day will keep old logs

-- now let's make the empty folder for today
  if there is not a folder pathh then create folder pathh
  put pathh into xPathhMsgs  -- keep this pathh

end initMsgProcessing

-------  Multiple Paths ----------
--start with a defined root folder location
-- note that I use 'pathh' as my working variable
global zRootLocalFolder
on makeFolders whichFldr
   --build archiving folders for email activity
   put zRootLocalFolder into pathh
   if not there is a folder pathh then create folder pathh
   -- user account specific folders MAKE them
put "EmailsSent ,keepTheseFiles ,logs ,logs_vidLibWebPages/,logs_vidLibWebPages/,IDtablesZZZ,IDtablesZZZ/ pageID,IDtablesZZZ/urlID,IDtablesZZZ/emailListID" into repeatStrngs
   -- add user designation to 4 sub folders
   replace "ZZZ" with whichFldr in repeatStrngs
   repeat for each item ITM in repeatStrngs
if not there is a folder (pathh&ITM) then create folder (pathh&ITM)
   end repeat
   -- here is what the loop will do
-- if not there is a folder (pathh&"EmailsSent") then create folder (pathh&"EmailsSent") -- if not there is a folder (pathh&"keepTheseFiles") then create folder (pathh&"keepTheseFiles") -- if not there is a folder (pathh&"logs") then create folder (pathh&"logs") -- if not there is a folder (pathh&"logs_vidLibWebPages/") then create folder (pathh&"logs_vidLibWebPages/") -- if not there is a folder (pathh&"IDtables") then create folder (pathh&"IDtables") -- if not there is a folder (pathh&"IDtablesZZZ/pageID") then create folder (pathh&"IDtables/pageID") -- if not there is a folder (pathh&"IDtables/urlID") then create folder (pathh&"IDtables/urlID") -- if not there is a folder (pathh&"IDtables/emailListID") then create folder (pathh&"IDtables/emailListID")

   --inserting   whichFldr  param into IDtablesZZZ
   --  IDtablesZZZ/urlID
   --    IDtablesZZZ/emailListID

end makeFolders

Hope this helps someone

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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