Hello Thierry,

VERY good work !!
You have lost (to say) some setups (witch works very well) : chords, arpeggio, 
reverb, vibrato, panoramic, etc.   :-)

For the roadmap :
1. load/record Midi files
2. Live Lidi
3. Sysex
4. SoundFiles > SoundFonts ?
5. iOS platform
6. ABC

Merci Thierry

Le 29 juin 2011 à 14:19, Thierry Douez a écrit :

> Hi,
> Only 2 days left to benefit from the introductory price for SunnYmidi.
> SunnYmidi is a MacOsX external which offers LiveCode coders
> a set of commands to play MIDI notes.
> - You can select up to 250 instruments
> - You can play up to 16 simultaneous notes  (16 channels)
> - All commands are asynchronous
> If you already have a game or critical real-time stack
> (for instance with a lot of animation),
> you can add any SunnYmidi command into your script
> and your animation will still act as before.
> You don't need to bother about any latency or synchronisation.
> Roadmap for SunnYmidi:
>    - iOs platform
>    - manage SoundFiles
>    - manage Midi Destinations (live Midi)
>    - add sysex command
>    - load/record Midi files
>    - ABC to LiveCode translator
> Today, I've still not decided which new functionnalities
> I'll start coding. So, for all those who are in need of one of them,
> drop me a line - you could help me to choose the one to start with.
> You can also download  from http://sunny-tdz.com :
>     -   a full working Demo tutorial of SunnYmidi
>     -   SunnYabc Demo
>         an ABC Tunes player (only MacOsX).
>            (formely MaestroJunior presented
>             at  revLive.09 Conference)
> and from from Rev-online :
>   -   SunnYbeep
>       a fun alternative to the beep command,
>       and more, it's free!  (only MacOsX)
> Kind regards,
> Thierry Douez
> -------------------
> http://sunny-tdz.com - freelance consultant/developer
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