
> I'm working on a solution for this

> collaborative with the minimal possible barrier to entry
> integrated into developer workflow - that means the script editor

> personal project wiki's for the software a developer is working
> on directly from the script editor

> Thoughts? Feedback on this?

As a "KISS man" (bet Richmond will have fun with that!) my only advice is: Don't make it one bit more complex than it must be.

Meaning simplicity both for maintenance/quality AND for performance speed/memory. The Script Editor is already a bit chubby, huffing and puffing on many machines during a modest jog, and the Dictionary is waddling around even slower and shakier on my budget hardware than I move around myself as a handicap person. :D

What people need most in the Script Editor is to view and edit the code itself smoothly, without jitters or delays; the primary function of SE. After that, debugging and variables and search are very helpful. Something like a project wiki would come below all those in priority, and better not slow things down any further. A wiki could just as well be external to the SE or to LC - but if it plays nice, doesn't use cycles or memory or real estate unless it's turned on, sounds cool.

Supporting a list of standards and whizbang features is nice, but user comments for keywords are the essence. I would just as soon have user comments for the Dictionary kept fairly simple and kept in the Dictionary, rather than in the SE. But it sounds like you have a dream for this, and I'm glad to see the passion. This will be interesting!

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
LiveCode Training and Consulting

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