
This Saturday Mark Schoenewille invites you to view the presentations (as I'm 
away tomorrow). Please mail him or me so wen can talk about a date where you do 
a presentation. We will hook you up with a topic too, if you want, some 
examples here: http://blog.livecode.tv/participate/

As usual, the European HyperCard User Group (eHUG, http://www.ehug.info) will 
raffle off an e-book courtesy of TidBITS. This time around it's "Take Control 
of iPad Networking & Security". You can fine more info on the TC series at 
http://www.takecontrolbooks.com .


Claudi Cornaz will be back after his presentation in Spring, and show us his 
"stackAlly". It's a tool that analyses your code and stacks, helps managing 
stack versions via comments, and   helps with archiving of code. One amazing 
feature is a tree view of events, showing all messages triggered by a single 
event in your code, a feature many think should be part of the IDE.


Jim Ault will create a simple UDP messaging example.  Then he will invite you 
to join the networking fun, by going along with his explanations, and create 
your own endpoint. So get ready to make your own client/server on the connected 
network. (barring firewall and router troubles). Note: it is suggested to not 
run ChatRev and your UDP code in the same instance of LiveCode, because testing 
might interfere with ChatRev functionality. Please either use the standalone 
version of LiveCode, or start two versions of the IDE.

All this and more on tomorrows Livecode.tv show:
Sat. 19:00h GMT
Sat. 22:00 Moscow
Sat. 20:00 Paris
Sat. 14:00 New York
Sat. 11:00 Los Angeles
Sun. 04:00 Sydney
Sun. 03:00 Tokyo
Sun. 2:00 Beijing

Make sure to join ChatRev on the right time, otherwise you won't know where to 
watch, the correct streams will be announced in ChatRev. Download ChatRev here:
or enter in the message box:
go stack URL "http://bjoernke.com/chatrev/chatrev1.3b3.rev";

See the following page for the archives:

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Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

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