try delete your preferences file and restart LC.

sometimes with strange issues this might help.

LC creates then a new one at start-up

But i don't know exactly where it is located on mac..someone else might jump in

Op 11-6-2019 om 22:08 schreef Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode:
Can anyone else confirm this, or see a pattern?

On a mid 2011 iMac, with the latest High Sierra, no breakpoint of any type is 
working—not the evil red PCD, not “breakpoint”, nor anything else I can think 

On may late 2018 MacBook Pro, latest mohave, they work.

The iMac has also told me a couple of times that it cannot open a file as “not 
a stack file”, yet the same stack opens without issue on the MacBook.

I’m also seeing *horrendous* misidentification of objects selected in the 
application browser—it just plain gives a different object the clicked on 
(perhaps it ignores widgets while counting?).  It’s so bad that I actually 
tried project manager again before screaming in horror and remembering why I 
hate it . . .
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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