A client needs to make minor updates to the text in a number of modules I've created over several years. To eliminate the back-and-forth of corrections and proofs, he's asked about making the changes himself in LiveCode. (He's never used LiveCode and doesn't have a copy.)

The question has arisen whether this would be possible if he downloads the free community version of LiveCode, opens the files I've created with my licensed copy of LiveCode, updates the texts, then sends me the files to package them up.

Another option was for the client to use the community version to create the text in text fields in a 'dummy' stack, from which I'd copy the updated text into the existing modules of my copy with the Indy license.

I've looked at the FAQ at


but I'm not quite clear on whether this would be allowed under the terms of the license or not.

Even if it's not, I'm not sure they'll want to get into this once they see what's involved, but I told them I'd look into it.

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