I'm not sure it's the same thing but even on a single screen the app browser gets out of sync. If you right click on the right hand pane and select "refresh" it fixes itself. I see this frequently when editing groups.

The same thing happens, but less frequently, on the left hand side, like when you remove a stack from memory using the contextual menu. To refresh that, look for the tiny little icon at the bottom right of the pane which refreshes the stack list.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
On June 28, 2019 7:05:46 PM doc hawk via use-livecode <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

On Jun 28, 2019, at 8:24 AM, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

When the standalone opens the external stack (which could be in an older stack file format), when the mouse is in the external stack window, LiveCode thinks the mouse is about 30-40 pixels ABOVE where the mouse actual is.

I may be seeing something related to this in the IDE, I think, under High Sierra. It didn’t do it in 9.0.

I see it manifest most often when the application browser is on the secondary screen. And then *mumble* happens, and when I select a control on the from the list to open an inspector, I get an inspector for the wrong object.

Hmm, on further thought, maybe not: it seems to select the correct item on screen, and inquiries about the selectedObject yield the correct object.

If I move the application browser back to the main screen, release, and drag. Back, sometimes (but not always) it fixes this

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