I'd say it's the phone. The Moto G5 has a budget processor and an old version of Android OS. An iPhoneX is newer and much faster so it isn't really a fair comparison. My Pixel has a much faster processor running the latest OS and is quite snappy; my Samsung S5 is old and slow and responds as such.

I develop with my Pixel and test with the Samsung to see how bad it gets. The up side is that users of older or budget phones are used to the response times and may not notice. But if you can find a higher-end test device, it's useful to compare.

On 8/29/19 3:24 PM, Dan Friedman via use-livecode wrote:
Hello again!   I am have a tough time getting things to run snappy on an 
Android device.  It's blazing fast on my computer, and more than acceptable on 
my iPhone, but on any android device, it's slow... noticeably sluggish.   The 
issue is mainly hiding/showing groups.  For example:

put the milliseconds into m
lock screen --for visual effect in rect (the rect of grc "ne_BG") //removed the 
animation for speed testing
hide grp "ne_mainControls"
show grp "ne_repeatG"
unlock screen --with visual effect push left
answer (the milliseconds - m)

The result of m is:
iMac = 10
iOS = 1   (iPhoneX)
Android = 516  (Moto G5 Plus Android 7.0)

The groups contain no images or complex graphics.  Just some buttons and fields.

I have tried it with and without acceleratedRendering.  Actually, with 
acceleratedRendering enabled it took longer, m=558.

I have it setup like this:
Card "calendar"
    Group "newEventG"  --> layerMode set to "Container"
       Group "ne_mainControls"  --> layerMode set to "Dynamic"
       Group " ne_repeatG"  --> layerMode set to "Dynamic"

Any thoughts or advice?  Most other functions are working within acceptable 


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