Interesting life. Check out the wiki. 

Bob S

> On Oct 7, 2019, at 04:33 , Graham Samuel via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> It so happens that I’m digitising Roald Dahl’s first book, written when he 
> was still a Flight Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force, and I came across this. 
> Forgive any lack of political correctness - it was a very long time ago:
>> “I've just found a nest of widgets,” he said, and looked around in triumph. 
>> “Widgets?” said Stuffy. “Widgets? Never heard of them!” 
>> But Jamface went on. “As I said, I've just found a nest of widgets located 
>> in the rear turret of my plane. There were twelve of them very young ones.” 
>> “What are widgets?" asked Gus. 
>> “It's very simple,” said Jamface. “Widgets are the young of gremlins and 
>> fifinellas. No one knows until they grow up whether they are going to turn 
>> into males or females, but it's usually males; in each nest of twelve 
>> widgets only one will eventually turn into a fifinella.” 
> Back to work…
> Graham

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