...yes, nice concept but Flux 2 was quite unstable. It got better with V3 - but 
everything is relative!

On 19 Jul 2011, at 20:33, Andre Garzia wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Keith Clarke <
> keith.cla...@clarkeandclarke.co.uk> wrote:
>> ...I was using Text Wrangler with CSSEdit (which I like a lot) and
>> Transmit, but as a coding numpty, I was looking for a visual, more
>> declarative (point-and-click instead of type) toolset, with inbuilt irev
>> language awareness, alongside HTML, Javascript and CSS.
>> I really like Flux and would love to see an irev-aware Flux (Andre, check
>> it out as the early design prototypes for revImpossible
>> http://theescapers.com/screencast/ !)
> I have licenses for Flux since their early betas... it is a great idea but I
> think it is a poor implementation. The software (Flux 1 and 2) crashes a
> lot, I cannot tolerate software crashing like that. Also, once you have
> dozens of nested divs, things become confusing.
> That is not what I aim with revImpossible.... man, I'd better make a
> video...
> :-)

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