Dear list folks,

I have now scheduled our first zoom meeting, open to anyone who wishes to 
discuss LiveCode, share hints and tips and see a friendly face during this 
period of isolation for many. I will be there in a moderation capacity, to 
facilitate discussion. Panos will be joining me to help out. The actual debate, 
discussion, conversation and topics is down to you guys and gals! Come along 
and bring a topic you'd like to share/learn information on. Just to reiterate, 
the usual list rules apply: we're talking LiveCode, we're not talking religion 
or politics, and cheese should be kept to a minimum :)

To give us an idea of numbers and how to best manage the meeting, I have turned 
on registration for this meeting, so you can click on the link below to 
register. It would be helpful if you can do this in advance. The meeting will 
be tomorrow, Friday 3rd April, at 4pm UK time, (we've just switched to Summer 
Time here). To see what time that is for you, please go here: <>

or just click the registration link and you will be able to specify a timezone 
to see what time it will be for you.

The invitation:

You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 

When: Apr 3, 2020 04:00 PM London 

Register in advance for this meeting: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information 
about joining the meeting.

Warm Regards, and see you tomorrow!


Heather Laine
Customer Services Manager
LiveCode Ltd

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